By the time my Father, a man who did his part to recycle, re-use and renew the soil of his little part of paradise, was eighty-three he told me he had seen and heard too much destruction of our precious earth and animals and could take no more... five months after that conversation in the middle of winter, he died. Yes we all shall die that is a fact of birth, but our earth should not die, yet we whom she nurtures with food, shelter, water, air and beauty, are killing her, and as she dies so does our wildlife, birds, insects and us of course,, only at a faster rate than need be. "As we do to our Earth, we do to ourselves". So what part are you as an individual taking to nurture rather than destroy, to invest rather than deplete? 

Healing Hand Acrylic on canvas, 20x16
Maybe the love my Father and Mother instilled in me for our Mother earth and her inhabitants is why I paint. I want people to see the beauty and abundance we have right here in Alberta, in Canada. I want them to see it and believe in it before its too late. I want the joy of the natural world to seep into everyones pores and have them want to protect the earth and her inhabitants. Want to protect it because it is irreplaceable, once a species is extinct, thats it... gone.
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