This is 'Stanley the Goat" a 10x14 acrylic painting, I absolutely love goats, they have wonderful character and are so much fun to paint with bold abstract art backgrounds. Gerald took me out road-tripping last weekend looking for a farm to photograph goats for future paintings. The farm where we had previously seen goats we could not get into so we wandered a few gravel roads, stopped at a country garage sale, bought a few books and found out where to find goats; jackpot. We found the farm and the farmer was home and willing came out with us to photograph her goats, so cool, she had fainting goats, billy goats, some goats with nice long ears, ah being an artist is a wonderful adventure I think next I will do a big ole billy, or maybe a doe and kid. just keep viewing to see what I paint next.

Tomorrow my solo show comes down in Donalda though I will be re-hanging some of the paintings in the upstairs part of the gallery so that those who missed the main exhibition will still be able to view a sampling of my work. The next place that "Wings of Creation will be showing is in Edmonton in the Atrium of The Kings University College from Sept 9th till end of Nov 09. This monday I deliver paintings to Cochrane for a July 1st opening at Westlands Gallery. This is a pretty exciting time for me. I will post later in the week about how the road trip to Cochrane and my fabulous opening goes, so have a great week and see you in Cochrane.
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