Last weekend we went to view the 500 Nativities on display at West End Christian Reform Church in Edmonton. Many volunteers work hard at setting up the display for one weekend before Christmas each year. This was the 3rd year I have gone and every year there are more wonderful creations from around the world presented. Out of 500 I managed to get photos of maybe 70? I thought it would be nice to post a few for all to enjoy the variety of skills and medium worked with from clay, glass, tin, wood and even, believe it or not cake.

This is an old collector paper piece

The winged angels are so sweet, and the patina on the one above is gorgeous. So much creativity filled the church I was in awe of the workmanship and variation in styles. Wow isn't creating a grand adventure. I love the fact that most of the Nativities were created by hand, of course there also were the store bought varieties including some wonderful antiques displayed.
Some figures were colorful and sit in their own nicely painted display box. There were beautiful wall hangings of which I only got photos of a couple.

A time for Peace and Goodwill to all for the coming New Year.
May all of mankind learn to pull together with one another to embrace the blessings and gifts we all have to share with one another regardless of race, religion or personal belief systems. Lets embrace our differences and rejoice that Creator has given us an exciting variety to humankind and within the natural world. For it is through the Creators creativity that we too are gifted with an abundance of resourcefulness in creating art, dance, song, poetry, good food and the list goes on. It is due our diversity that we have the means to share with each other. Five hundred Nativities and hardly a repeat amongst them, what avisual statement of our gift of creativity.

This is the edible cake; as one gentleman remarked its too pretty to eat.
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