Sunday, September 30, 2012


I will be bouncing around a wee bit with my summer postings depending on where the images are presently stored. Our Jasper camping was a mix of wonderful and dreadful. The days were a might hot in the mountain meadows and lake shorelines, though if one were to seek the coolness in shade under the trees needle-stabbing blood-seeking mosquitoes pounced their prey. Ouch!  Mornings and dusk into the night mosquitoes were deadly; settling into bed was a nightly slap-fest, and I am not talking spousal abuse here, our poor wee van was a mess of bloody bug carcass. So during the days we took advantage of the respite from being needled and did much slow wandering scouting birds, but before I get to the birds I thought you might enjoy to see images of the event we went to Jasper to attend.

These photos are from The Nations of Jasper mini powwow in august, though this is at a public event most  shots are taken from behind to preserve the dancers privacy, especially young dancers.
 This beaded buckskin dress cape is a beautiful work of art which must entail hundreds of hours work. I know it would take me years to do that much beading. The dancer said she made a good trade, a car for the dress. That amount of beads are quite heavy, such a strong stately dancer.
Men's Fancy dancer

 Fancy Shawl dancers remind me of butterflies flitting across flower filled meadows.

 Jingle Dress dancers.
I was once told that a person may gift a jingle dress dancer and ask them to dance a prayer to help someone who needs healing.

 Traditional Women's dancing

Dancing the flags and staffs out of the arbor concluded the powwow. I have no photos of the dance-in as we had been invited to dance-in with one of our elders.

The setting sun giving one last blessing for the day.
I love how the sun's last kiss adds blush to the mountain tops.
I hope you enjoyed this tiny visual of a portion of our summer adventures. Hugs!