Monday, February 23, 2015

SkirtsAfire fashion show and media blitz

What a great morning. We walked into the hall and noticed I was the oldest participant, which of course made hubby chuckle and call me an ole boot, Matriarch I corrected him, both chuckling by now. Then someone questioned if I was there to support my daughter, I laughingly replied "no this ole boot is one of the designers who decide to expand her comfort level".  I can now say I participated as a designer and model in the SkirtsAfire fashion show media blitz and had a blast. I loved the energy and the coming together of creative women, it was wonderful, its how it should be. Creative women supporting and promoting creativity in women, what a wonderful thing to be a part of. SkirtsAfire is now in its third year and I am so looking towards taking in some of the events. 

The opening ceremony is thursday March 5th from 5-7pm at the Nina Haggerty Gallery 9225 118 Ave.
My art work is in the juried art exhibition at the gallery, so we will be in attendance. 
From 1-3 pm on saturday there will be artists talks and viewing at the Gallery, I will be talking about my work but don't know what time.

Ok I promised photos, so my loving husband set to the task of capturing the show to share.
 Getting ready.

 I was the lead out and as my dress is titled "Dance the Night Away" based on 1920 Flapper era I shimmied, shook and twirled, in essence had great fun.

 Skirt made from used plastic tablecloths, surveyors tape, kitchen strainers, christmas tinsel, cassette tape and mesh fruit bags. The judges are sitting to the right and you can see some of the camera crews that were recording the event.

Next up was a fantastic creation by three young students Madison Braget, Brooke Fersovitch and Kaylee Gaines titled "Midnight Truffle" which was made of tarp layers fringed with a duck tape waistband fastened with bottle cap buttons. I loved seeing their youthful creativity they did an excellent job, the bottle cap buttons were in my mind a stroke of genius. Sorry no close up, though hope to take some close up photos on the mannequins when the SkirtsAfire Festival opens.
"Mas Claro" by Joan McFarlane. Great geometric design by arranging tea towels and bubble wrap. (this one is a runner up)

 Can you believe its door screening as the base of this skirt that is covered with receipts and cigarette foils. "Not-your-ordinary Lace Skirt" by Paola Cantal.

 Ira Tuzlukova made "Paper Couture" skirt totally out of folded paper, amazing. Founded on the idea of Alexander McQueen couture lines.

 "Save Our Trees, No Flyers Please" by Tessa Stamp and Christie Hutchinson. Tree branches and flyers attached to a burlap base, I love the matching head piece that pulled the woodsy look together. (This is the the winning skirt)

And "Sleight of Hand" by Kia Day, a fitted Pencil style skirt made from playing cards with a hint of red lace at the leg.

As one can tell the designs are varied, creative, fun and best of all they are made of reuse and upcycle. During the festival all skirts will be on display in the SkirtsAfire Cabaret Space at the Alberta Community League 9210 118th Ave.
I can honestly say I am pleased to have been chosen to be a part of the SkirtsAfire skirt design competition. Well done Ladies.


Carol Blackburn said...

Looks like such fun and what creativity. I love how you just went out there and did what you do best. I think you showed those youngsters a thing or two. Congratulations!

john said...

Alaska has a similar fashion show with clothing made of all kinds of funky materials. It is all televised and is very popular, with all the state big wigs in attendance. Some of those designs are seriously bent, but usually tasteful. It all looks like a lot of fun.