I am learning about native flowers and as some of my books don't have very good images to help me identify I may have wrongly named some. If you notice that I've mislabel plants please let me know so I can make corrections, thank you. Enjoy.
Orchis Rotundifolia (small Round-leafed Orchis) We found these beauties both at the edge of a lake and in the forest. They are so small that most people walk right by without even noticing the colorful delicate beauty.
In both places they were accompanied with Pinguicula Vulgaris (Common Butterwort).
Cypripedium Calceolus (Yellow Lady's Slipper)Always a delight to find showy bunches in the underbrush, though most were singular flowers scattered about.
Cypripedium Passerinum, passerinium means "sparrow like" because of the bright dots on the inside of the pouch resembling a sparrow egg. (
This Orchis was found in the same wooded area as the above blossoms.
I do not know the identity yet.
This orchis was found at high altitude on the mountainside.
I do not know the identity yet.
Can you see the elephants?
Beautiful Mountain Bumblebee in the Wintergreen blossoms.
Pyrola Assarifolia (Common Pink Wintergreen)
Blue Flax. The meadows were turning a brilliant blue and yellow from the abundant Buttercups and Flax that were opening up, each day the meadows grew more colorful.
Aneome Parviflora
Pink Pussytoe flower.