We spent about 12 hours on the road stopping and viewing villages, totems and the wonderous landscape, yet still did not see all there is to see. If we have the chance to go again I believe we would haul the trailer up and camp there for a few days as the landscape is so beautiful.
One set of three falls we encountered on route to the Lava Beds. By not towing a trailer we were able to make plenty of stops to see the sights along the way.
Gitwinksihlkw (Canyon City) has four poles, two on each side of the bridge. In the not far past, to get to the village one had to cross a suspension bridge, now they have a road bridge across the river.
We decided to drive all the way out to Gingolox, it was rainy most of the day but the clouds seemed to part enough for us to get some shots between the raindrops. Nearing gingolox we had a large white timber wolf cross our path, but due the rain on the windshield there was no way to capture an image. What a spectacular memory to hold though.
Old and the new side by side, such fascinating photo-ops, but the rain was pretty steady and it was getting dark so we headed back to Terrace and a warm bed.
Next day on to Prince Rupert
Poles in Prince George, by the Recreation Centre.
Prince Rupert, love how the fall leaves accent the colors in Ninstints Eagle Pole.
One of Freda Diesing's Poles in Prince Rupert. Eagle Chief's Pole carved by Freda Diesing and Josiah Tait. The pole is a reproduction of a pole from Tanu on Haida Gwaii. From bottom up is grizzly bear with frog, killer whale, hawk, human face, eagle and three watchmen.