Sunday, October 23, 2011

Orchid show at the Muttart

Sweetie and I went to view the orchids at the Muttart last saturday. It took him 5 minutes and me an hour. I'm glad they put benches for people to sit and enjoy the orchid display, though Gerald almost fell asleep waiting. He so endearing.
I cannot tell you orchids names and as they are all greenhouse grown I shall not be looking them up, enjoy their beauty!

Stripes, dots and color galore.

The one above and the one below are huge plants, tall enough that the large blossoms loom over head.

This white orchid is placed in front of the water wall so I attempted to capture the water movement behind the blossoms, this is the closest to what I was aiming for.
Stunning displays set with props and stories.

The skull would be great for halloween.

A floral arrangement.

Quite a lot of thought and work have gone into setting up these displays, packing so much into a rather small space.

Artsy fartsy shot using the building structure as part of the composition. I rather like the contrasts and tone of the blue sky and green wall setting off the soft yellow orchids.

After two years of emails and phone calls requesting to be on the list of invited artists for the orchid art display in the atrium and being told I would be on the mailing list, sadly my petition fell through the cracks again, sigh. It says its a juried show though I highly doubt it as they did not put out a call for artists. I have a few beautiful paintings that I wanted to exhibit, oh well, maybe next year.
Hope you enjoyed the orchids, I sure did. Hugs!


john said...

Incredible orchids, and a lovely job of photographing them. your artwork surely deserves a place amoung them Tess. Better luck next year.

Red said...

You've given me enough to blow my mind! Great shots. Unbelievable flowers.
This mus be from your summer trip.

tess stieben said...

Thank you John, I do hope to work on a series of small orchid paintings this winter when I get back to work painting, right now I am still "playing" with mixed media recycled art.

Red these shots were taken at the Muttart conservatory in Edmonton a few weeks ago. Each year they do a two week show with orchids. It is quite wonderful to see and to photograph.