Friday, March 23, 2012

Emmaus Fine Art Group presents...

                         This piece is being presented this weekend in Calgary.


textile 18x20 inches

To view full click on Tess'S Textile link on the right.
Have a great weekend, hugs!

The Emmaus Fine Art Group 
is proud to present a group show
"Inspiration, Motivation and Exploration"
at The House, 126 10th st NW Calgary AB
March 23-May 4 2012 
hours 9am to 10pm daily

All Welcome to an official opening
Sat afternoon march 24, 2:00-4:00pm
Artists in attendance   snacks served

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

finally a new painting

Billy in the Wildflowers
8x8 inch acrylic on canvas

Its been months since I have worked in paint. I became frustrated with the Art Market so took a much needed break and worked with in alternative media since last Oct. Well I am now back and in the groove. I painted two small 8x8 canvas this week but cannot share the other one till next week as I want it to be a surprise to a special person in our life, more on that next week.
Hugs, enjoy the day!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Drive around Beaverhills

We did a circle tour along the roads of Beaverhills today starting in the SE we made our way up around the N end then S again.

Just off the highway a ribbon of red caught my eye.

Very little snow left in the stubble, overall its been a pretty dry winter.

Old mud-chink log barn, things I snap when birds are elusive.

We were searching the landscape for...
this fella on the treetop. 
We noticed Snowy kept looking over his left shoulder and though I was not prepared when he lifted off he was beautiful to watch as he did a full circle turn lift off from the tree facing our direction. Generally Snowy owls tend to sit for a long time to conserve energy though I should have realized the way he kept looking over his shoulder into the field that he might be eyeing potential dinner. If I'd been thinking quicker I would have changed settings for a flight shot rather than, but its all a learning experience and makes for a wonderful adventurous day. 

Can you see him? 
Here he, or she is. I shoot with a 300m lens so this shot is greatly cropped for viewing benefit. 
We had hoped to spot a snowy owl today as we saw three last weekend, though I would think they must be moving north by now. On my wish list was the Short Eared Owl and Horned Lark, and we got lucky with a lark.

Wandering down the road they blend in so well that I wonder how many Horned lark we obliviously drove past. Earlier the lark was on me as I saw one fly into a field but no way on earth could I find it even though I had watched it land. Later watching this one scurry along the roadway I realize why they are not so easy to spot. One; they have excellent camouflage for this terrain. Two; they lower their body and sorta scurry-run with heads down.

To send us on our way home was Mr Merlin.
Hope you enjoyed the day, hugs!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

One down one up

Last night the Milner Gallery exhibition came down and a few hours later we hung an exhibition at the Carrot Community Coffee House.

Hanging paintings on gridwalls in the window after the cafe patrons left.

Stop by the Carrot, you may be entertained. When we stopped in today to secure a few paintings there was open mic happening, last night there was a Slam Poetry reading which we greatly enjoyed. 

 Artsy fartsy shot of exhibition in mirror reflections.

Photographing from the street front.