Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Camera, New Adventures

My sweetie bought me a new Canon 7D and a quality Manfrotto pan-head for my mono-pod. I am pleased to announce Don's Photo is now our go-to camera store. The staff and manager there are fabulous, we had good laughs, received good information and, wow, we were treated with upmost respect and courtesy. Wow. After messy dealings and disrespect throughout last year from a previous #@*& camera store of which I had been a faithful buyer for ten years I can honestly say that switching to Don's Camera was a refreshing experience to say the least.

Now the learning begins once again.
Here are a few images taken this weekend, enjoy!
Blue-bluest blue bird having an afternoon snack.
Amazing rich coloration in the male Mountain Bluebird.

Northern Harrier, male.
Its unbelievable to watch Harriers hunt. They actually hover on thin air like a sky strung mobile. I've noticed that they seemingly stop and hang with their tail-feathers spread, fanned wide as in above photo; otherwise when they fly their tail-feathers are tight together as in the below image. They are also masters of low surface skimming flights, wingtips seemingly grazing the straw strewn fields as they search out gopher holes from above.

The Odd couple. 
It would seem these two are differing subspecies (see differing neck length and thickness) but they don't care what anyone thinks, they have each other and love bonds them together. Watching geese this early in the season made me realize that for geese fore-play is a joint venture of frenzied head dunking and splashing and these two gave quite the performance. See the water droplets.

 Split Ears Jack.
Jackie Rabbit sporting the new fashion craze of clipped ears and wearing a lovely short sheared hip-length tan jacket with white hare pantaloons. Ah, spring is here.

Resident Robins have returned, I hear them calling in the wee hours before daylight. Its a joy to wake to birdsong, much nicer than alarm clocks for sure. Just look at the vibrant colour of the beak, by summer it will subdue to a soft pale yellow or greyish coloration.

Have a wonderful week, enjoy the natural and give yourself a hug.


john said...

Great photos. I confess to having a folder on my computer called Stolen Photos. It contains downloads of the very best photos that I run across on the web. I use them for general inspiration, never plagerism. Your Mountain Bluebird made it into the folder.
Congratulations on the new camera. I am so jealous.

Carol Blackburn said...

Such fabulous shots, Tess. Hope you enjoy the new camera.

Red said...

You are really having fun with your new camera. some excellent shots on the high speed thing. Harriers provide a great movie to watch as they hunt. Nice to see you posting again.

Kate Fernyhough said...

Wonderful photos, I specially love the bird ones of course!