I found out that one can take free on-line education courses through the Edmonton Public Library so I signed up. Presently I am learning Lightroom 4 which I purchased last winter and never got around to understanding how it worked. Well I must say I am well on my way to learning it though with the finger dislocation (twice) which still gives me problems though the swelling has receded, then our thanksgiving feast as well as an art exhibition last weekend I got a bit behind; two weeks in fact, just enough so that If I am stuck on a problem I cannot get help for it as one must request within 2 weeks for each module. I still have 4 classes to go though the final exam is posted already. I was having trouble with today's module and finally gave up and will have to skip to the next module later today to at least try and catch up enough to get in questions if I so need. It's difficult when one gets behind as there is a lot to learn. On top of it all I had signed up for another course which started last week so now I'm 2 weeks behind in it as well as modules are posted each wednesday and friday, sheesh. I really do love it and even if I don't "get" it all I am learning a lot about how to edit and fix photos. I have some photos that my husband took this summer of my nephews wedding that I am editing which I will further manipulate in photoshop to make a small album for my sister. I take good bird shots but lousy people shots hence hubby having to shoot the family gatherings.
Well blogger is doing weird things to me once again; telling me I am signed out from another location and making it difficult to continue so shall say adios for today.
"Roses from my sweetie"