Monday, April 21, 2014

Walking the Whitemud Ravine

The suns warmth lured us down the Whitemud Ravine this afternoon.

 First bridge who should greet us but this sweet chipmunk. They scurry so fast I never seem to be able to get clear shots but this wee one was generous and posed.

 The willows are in blossom, such a joy to witness when snows recede.
 A curious little vole?

 A fine looking Beaver.

 Theres a bit of snow and ice on this hillside and a few icy sections on the trails as well as the expected mud, thought the paths were mostly dry.

Comma butterfly.
Butterflies were out in numbers flitting in the warmth and once in awhile I was gifted with a momentary landing whereupon was able to quickly captured the image. 

 Milbert's Tortoiseshell Butterfly. Very tiny at this time of year. I have noticed the summer ones to be twice the size. 

Mourning Cloak butterfly. 


Carol Blackburn said...

Wow, great shots, and so many different butterflys in the same area. I am lucky if I get one type all summer.

Red said...

Sharp eye to see all these things and then get photos. I haven't seen a chipmunk for years. The White Mud is a super area.

john said...

Wonderful butterfly photos. I have seen two Mourning Cloaks so far this Spring. We never get to see Commas, or Tortoise-shells. I love the chipmunk and vole as well.