Here is some digital play, a couple of my photographs meshed together. Really simple once I got the hang of it, though I can complicate anything.
Learning the pixel painting process has enabled me to start the mixed media pieces I have wanted to do for the last year. I now have one image pixel painted and pigment printed onto quilting photo fabric, which I then coated with acrylic gel, two times to really seal the pigment in and then I machine stitched some detail for texture, whereupon I had to rein in my enthusiasm so that I didn't overdo the thread work. Then I attached more fabric, a few antique buttons and now am in the process of attaching fabric to make a frame similar in idea to the previous wall hanging icon I painted. Its about half way to being complete and sitting at the "what does it need now stage". I will post an image when its finished as I am pretty happy with the mixed media pieces I am working on.
I had wanted to go to the winter festival this weekend in which I have 4 juried painting showing, but alas sometimes more important things need tended, such as having snow shovelled off the roof which was waist high deep on my hubby where it drifted in on one side. So much heavy snow is weigh too much on a house. Anyhow because we received about two feet of snow all at once hubby has been working long shifts all weekend then had to come home and shovel. Sometimes its hard to have to just set things aside that the heart is set on but its his job to be on call during the winter; the upside is we get a solid month of birding in the summer.
Enjoy, live well, laugh loud and share a smile and a hug, they cost nothing to give, yet are priceless to receive.
Lots of luck with your paintings in the show, Teresa. Looks like you are having some fun with your photo-play............
Interesting to hear of the progress of your new experiments. I would guess that using new techniques makes other art areas more meaningful???
Lots of shovelling here too.
Yes I am finally enjoying the computer rather than cussing it. My art history prof would be so pleased that I finally came out of the dark ages. He was the one who encouraged me to learn the keyboard in 2000 as he did not like me handing in handwritten papers.
Red, I have gained a greater appreciation for digital art. I have always regarded hand made objects meaningful and of beauty no matter what the item of craft. Heck I got all excited when hubby bought me a hand carved spoon for mixing and scooping pancake batter. Glad you are enjoying the posts. have fun in the snow.
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