Friday, February 1, 2013

Gift given, joy received.

Every year we take in the Nativities display. This year I entered one I made.
I heard it received many wonderful comments which I was glad of as it was a gift for Daniel and his wife. Daniel gets his students to make interesting Nativities and I decided to give it a go. It took me about a year to find all the pieces that would fit into the tiny frame.

 I was going to post the write-up about it but have decided to let viewers decipher it in their own way.

 Last year I commissioned owl hats for our grandson and son. Well I didn't want daughter-in-law left out so decided to teach myself how to crochet and after many days watching and following along youtube videos I made four different hats, though one was real ugly and was taken apart. After days of making, deconstructing and making again I got to the point of less mistakes and at that point I felt skilled enough to make the special hat and this is it. As the boys hats are similar for change I made loopy eyelashes and gave it fun ear tassels. I must say the sharing of info on youtube is wonderful.

 I like to make one of a kind special gifts for loved ones. Though I designed this fella myself I realized once made that this softie reminds me of Mercer Meyer characters from books I read my children years ago.
 I found the plain denim back boring and didn't know how or what to do rather than leave it plain. My husband suggested "give him a backpack" and voila, it worked; together we make a great team. The pack has just enough space to tuck in a matchbox car.
 Of course a hand stitched felt heart embellishment topped off the character, isn't he cute. I heard our grandson packed it around for a few hours when he opened his parcel which brings joy to my heart.

On the sad side though I made a special designer gift for a special girl and it got lost in the post, seems they said it was delivered though the intended never received it, argh it has caused so much stress, tears and disappointment for me that I dread to post anything of importance again.
I really pray for the parcel to be found and delivered to the rightful recipient asap.

I pray for blessings, hugs!

1 comment:

Red said...

Neat how the softie just grew and grew with Gerald's help.
Nice to see you post again.