We went to visit aunty and uncle yesterday and a parade happened by their house.
An antique black an white.
Bare-foot in the rain.
Rainy day parade.
Aunty wanted me to get a picture of this turbaned constable and he obliged.
Yes we are Canadian.
Prayer chants or recitation of texts?
It sounded pretty.
Unsheathed blades. Spiritual symbol of faith.
Rainbow color amid the drizzle.
I like what this states.
Language is inherent to culture. Sadly too many of our native languages and writings have been lost and destroyed throughout Canada; newcomers are vocal about keeping theirs alive within the Canadian system.
"Riding shotgun"
Words of wisdom "we feign goodness through talk by actions we are worse"
These ladies stopped and posed though it is this shot as they went on down the street and the young one looked back over Mom's shoulder thats my favourite of the day.
All smiles, the rain has stopped and the sun peaks through.
The outside of the Sikh temple is decorated with these scalloping arches.
After the parade of people went past we walked over to the temple with aunty and became separated so Gerald and I took a peek into the temple and were invited to take off our shoes and enter. A kind elder took his time to explain to us that by siting on the floor all are equal, but as I cannot get up and down without help and the men sit to the right and the women to the left we did not enter the temple itself but stayed in the foyer. There were some musicians at the far end playing instruments and chanting, I believe they were reciting their holy texts or prayers. Also at the far end was an elder sitting below a decorative canopy, he held a long whisk that was flicked back and forth I believe above their texts? I did have a bit of trouble hearing some of what was told us. He informed that within his religion women are revered.
I did not want to impose to ask to take photos inside the temple as within many cultures some holy things are not to be photographed.
These men were busy making sugared candy floss and handing it out to everyone whom wished some. Along the streets tents were set out in front of homes where food, pop and sugared treats were offered.
What a colorful parade. Thanks for sharing woith others. Wish I knew half the symbolism contained in the colors etc.
This isn't something you'd see here.
I must confess that I know nothing of the Sihk culture, or especially their religeon. How does their food differ from mainstream Indian food?
when i have some time I will look into the symbolism some, right now I have to keep on painting, as for the food I didn't have any but uncle says its blue flame material; hot!
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