This was the best opening ever. Christopher Barran came and sang for me and to me; he is the type of singer who sings directly to everyone in the audience imparting everyone to feel special and loved. Thank you my dear sweet friend, you made my day and everyone else's.
As the show was being hung friday morning people were coming in off the street wanting to meet the artist and were ecstatic about the work. Wow! Fantastic! It thrilled me to the core.
On saturday the place was busy, many people coming and going. We arrived a little after one and people were already coming through to view the paintings so I was busy from then till almost 6 pm. I loved it. In the past I have been wiped out after openings but this was so different and so refreshing I was tired and hungry yet still strong after. The most wonderful and amazing is that people of all ages were enjoying the artwork, commenting that they were full of life and movement. I feel so confirmed and pleased that what I was working towards is being achieved. All those hundreds of hours on the road in pursuit of birds, watching, studying and photographing them is paying off. Wow!
Wonderful fantastic musician Christopher Barran who sings with heart and soul.
He's my Muse!
The painting behind him to the left is three by four feet. The largest I have ever painted and now I'm working on ideas for doing another large painting. I hope to have at least one more this size for the exhibition at Kerry Wood Nature Center which goes up June 24th.
Wonderful fantastic art supporters and friends.
Sharon is drawing Christopher while he sings, she is amazing and fast, she completed two portraits of him while he sang.
Dear friends whom I don't get to see often enough. If I could smile any larger I would have swallowed my head, I am so happy with how the whole event turned out. Thank you all who came and supported my art and Christopher's song. I love you all.
Looks like you all had such a wonderful time, Teresa. Congratulations.
Congatulations Teresa. I'm thrilled for your success. Public affirmation is so important to recieve once in a while. I love the new look of your blog.
Great to hear that things went well for your show opening. It's like applause when people get what you are doing and appreciate it.
Hope the Kerry
Wood show goes well too.
Thank you all for your kind comments. I have such a feeling of accomplishment.
I am glad you like the look of the blog John, I hope this is more personal and warmer look.
I am working on some new pieces for Kerry Woods, they are in the design stage in my head still though today I shall begin preparing the canvas.
Big Hugs!
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