Monday, February 27, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
A most amazing talented young leader
Ta'Kaiya heralds from my neck of the woods. I have found that she is the daughter of an old classmate.
A most amazing young leader and inspirational speaker and singer. This is a must see, very moving.
In an interview Ta'Kaiya speaks of how the people were displaced from their traditional gathering grounds and that a pulp and paper mill built in Powell River caused decimation of sea and land life. I grew up there and believe this to be true. One of my aunties made a story board with shells showing the variety of shells she had gathered on the beach, I am not sure of the dates but it was when the Mill was fairly new, then when I was in high school she was asked to make another and found less than half of the original shells, they just were not to be found. Did one mill contribute to the decline of half the shell fish species in the area?
When we were young we could collect clams, mussels and oysters to eat, the sea was a generous buffet. By the time I was in my early twenties signs began appearing in areas where we collected stating the shell fish were tested and found toxic. At times there were red tide blooms which made shell fish inedible, then toxic pulp and paper waste, feces and garbage was pumped into our sea. Then add toxic "Atlantic Salmon" fish farms to the mix (if its labeled Atlantic it is toxic fish grown in small pens fed antibiotics, these fish are carrier of fish lice and disease) Fish were never meant to be penned in small cages. These farms pollute and spread disease to wild fish, its a known fact yet fish farms still exist. Now deaths are being attributed to diseased fish. Have we gone too far? I believe so. We have destroyed at an amazing rate and must change our ways. Ta'Kaiya is a wonderful spokesperson I pray officials in government and industry would listen, really listen and take heed to what she has to say. Has it not been said that a child shall lead the way.
Think about it, what effects your foods effects for body. Are you dining on man-made mutant spawn or Creations wholesome and natural foods.
Hugs and do please share Ta'Kaiya video.
A most amazing young leader and inspirational speaker and singer. This is a must see, very moving.
In an interview Ta'Kaiya speaks of how the people were displaced from their traditional gathering grounds and that a pulp and paper mill built in Powell River caused decimation of sea and land life. I grew up there and believe this to be true. One of my aunties made a story board with shells showing the variety of shells she had gathered on the beach, I am not sure of the dates but it was when the Mill was fairly new, then when I was in high school she was asked to make another and found less than half of the original shells, they just were not to be found. Did one mill contribute to the decline of half the shell fish species in the area?
When we were young we could collect clams, mussels and oysters to eat, the sea was a generous buffet. By the time I was in my early twenties signs began appearing in areas where we collected stating the shell fish were tested and found toxic. At times there were red tide blooms which made shell fish inedible, then toxic pulp and paper waste, feces and garbage was pumped into our sea. Then add toxic "Atlantic Salmon" fish farms to the mix (if its labeled Atlantic it is toxic fish grown in small pens fed antibiotics, these fish are carrier of fish lice and disease) Fish were never meant to be penned in small cages. These farms pollute and spread disease to wild fish, its a known fact yet fish farms still exist. Now deaths are being attributed to diseased fish. Have we gone too far? I believe so. We have destroyed at an amazing rate and must change our ways. Ta'Kaiya is a wonderful spokesperson I pray officials in government and industry would listen, really listen and take heed to what she has to say. Has it not been said that a child shall lead the way.
Think about it, what effects your foods effects for body. Are you dining on man-made mutant spawn or Creations wholesome and natural foods.
Hugs and do please share Ta'Kaiya video.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Shaw cable interview and exhibitions
I was interview by Angelika from Shaw cable a week ago thursday regarding Feathers and Flash exhibition at The Gallery at Milner downtown Edmonton Library. What a wonderful interviewer, Angelika and team made me comfortable so I quite enjoyed the experience. Feathers and Flash exhibition continues till Feb 29. I was informed the interview would be posted on Shaw cable last friday then be posted online though I've not seen it posted as yet.
Feb 29 a exhibition of work different from that shown at Milner Gallery will be hung at the Carrot Community Arts Coffee House on 118Ave Edmonton. Now the decision making as to what to show and what not to show. Presently my sitting room is wall-to-wall paintings whispering, "choose me, take me"
It takes time exhibiting. First off the work need be created, then photographed which is a lengthy process of getting the lighting even and colour correct unless you have a professional set up. I find midmorning light in winter gives truer colour than later in the day which tends to yellow images, so it may take days to photograph works during the two hour window of consistent natural light. Sculptural works require a different set up than flat works, and once the image is captured its downloaded, checked and tweaked to assertion the "best" Next the lengthy process of compiling submissions which constitute a CV (a list of exhibitions, etc), bio, artist statement of which mine always changes as my work changes which means re-writes, plus the quality images on cd to the size specifications requested, plus whatever else is required. Some places may want a specific write-up about the works and inspirations for them as well as a submission sample of work to check quality. Items are placed in a large envelope, fingers crossed hoping to be accepted and dropped off or mailed. Proceed to studio to create more works till you receive the wonderful "your work is accepted to show" or the depressing "we have had so many quality submissions that we could not accept your work at this time, please do apply again"
Once a show is in the works there is deciding which pieces to exhibit, compiling the info as to title, medium, date, size, and price if for sale. Then the packing, delivering and hanging. Many shows I am in require the artist to hang the show, of which my sweetie excels. I've experienced when shows are dismantled by inexperienced people work invariably gets damaged due lack of forethought in how to properly pack items. I had a show where three paintings came back damaged due being crammed too tightly into a box one against the other with no buffer protection. The sad note is all the packing boxes were left when the show was dropped off yet when we got the works back one packing box was missing. So instead of the work returned in five boxes, they were crammed into four, ouch!
This tends to happen more often than naught, I guess I build too good of boxes as they do disappear at some point if left at a venue. There has been times where we had to scramble to acquire boxes to pick up paintings cause mine went awol even though name and "artist box" are written large and black all over them. There are many aspects to exhibiting than may be realized.
I enjoy having exhibitions as that way more people get to view and enjoy that which inspires, and when the pieces sell all the better.
Feb 29 a exhibition of work different from that shown at Milner Gallery will be hung at the Carrot Community Arts Coffee House on 118Ave Edmonton. Now the decision making as to what to show and what not to show. Presently my sitting room is wall-to-wall paintings whispering, "choose me, take me"
It takes time exhibiting. First off the work need be created, then photographed which is a lengthy process of getting the lighting even and colour correct unless you have a professional set up. I find midmorning light in winter gives truer colour than later in the day which tends to yellow images, so it may take days to photograph works during the two hour window of consistent natural light. Sculptural works require a different set up than flat works, and once the image is captured its downloaded, checked and tweaked to assertion the "best" Next the lengthy process of compiling submissions which constitute a CV (a list of exhibitions, etc), bio, artist statement of which mine always changes as my work changes which means re-writes, plus the quality images on cd to the size specifications requested, plus whatever else is required. Some places may want a specific write-up about the works and inspirations for them as well as a submission sample of work to check quality. Items are placed in a large envelope, fingers crossed hoping to be accepted and dropped off or mailed. Proceed to studio to create more works till you receive the wonderful "your work is accepted to show" or the depressing "we have had so many quality submissions that we could not accept your work at this time, please do apply again"
Once a show is in the works there is deciding which pieces to exhibit, compiling the info as to title, medium, date, size, and price if for sale. Then the packing, delivering and hanging. Many shows I am in require the artist to hang the show, of which my sweetie excels. I've experienced when shows are dismantled by inexperienced people work invariably gets damaged due lack of forethought in how to properly pack items. I had a show where three paintings came back damaged due being crammed too tightly into a box one against the other with no buffer protection. The sad note is all the packing boxes were left when the show was dropped off yet when we got the works back one packing box was missing. So instead of the work returned in five boxes, they were crammed into four, ouch!
This tends to happen more often than naught, I guess I build too good of boxes as they do disappear at some point if left at a venue. There has been times where we had to scramble to acquire boxes to pick up paintings cause mine went awol even though name and "artist box" are written large and black all over them. There are many aspects to exhibiting than may be realized.
I enjoy having exhibitions as that way more people get to view and enjoy that which inspires, and when the pieces sell all the better.
Smile and a hug.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
country adventure
We watched Raven fly in and pick something from the field, which I thought may have been a mouse or vole.
Ah the weight of the world carried by women, there could be a whole lot said for this sculpture but I shall leave the stories for others to weave.

Enjoy, smile and laugh.
Looks to me though that a farmer has lost his muffin.
Tractors at John Deer Heaven
Love how nature can take back as this tree growing through tractor spokes.
Touch of Red against the blue like a single note.
Years ago an artist friend told me you have truly become an Albertan when you photograph cows. I laughed and questioned who would want to photograph a cow. Joke is on me as I could not resist.
Donkeys though are different I have photographed them, painted them and thoroughly enjoyed watching them as they are so sweet looking.
A fly-bye shot along the Whitemud.
Hells bells those are silver balls. Now whoever had the lame-brain idea that this would be a great place for public sculpture? Presently they are dirty from road splash and have a security fence around them as rumour has it some intriguing minds collaborated with fast hands and agility and built a snowman atop these balls. Now I wish I had seen that.
I'm all for sculpture if its placed in an appropriate location. I guess Edmonton has to keep up with Calgary which also has an ill-placed sculpture on Stephen Ave walking mall. Now I do love the tall sculpture on Stephen Ave which though would far better be placed in an open field as the ave is a pedestrian walk way so in winter when these large sculptures become a hazard due falling ice the area gets cordoned off for public safety. Hmmm, sometimes it seems not enough forethought is put into arts sites regarding safety. I wonder how badly the sunlight reflects off all these shiny balls into driver eyes?
Personally I feel sculptures like this are better suited away from freeways and placed where they can be enjoyed. I wonder how many people shake their heads and state its just a bunch of shinny ball bearings of all sizes, or maybe marbles, oh look Tootles, here are your marbles.
Enjoy, smile and laugh.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Exhibition hung at Milner Gallery, Edmonton
Its been a busy month preparing for this exhibition as Gerald and I built designer frames for some of the paintings. On the far wall the Pelicans have a mapped frame which took many hours of collage to complete, what was I thinking, lol. It looks good and adds a new dimension to the painting so thats what matters. I did not re-price so who-ever buys during this exhibition gets a fantastic deal for their money.
In the showcases to the left an artist has covered canvas with postage stamps and three of her works also have maps under the postage stamps which I find interesting as I used alberta maps and rice paper on three designer frames.
This space is larger and more spread out than I envisioned.
Gerald did a great job in hanging the show and also took these photos as my camera was at home. The three paintings in the recessed areas all have new black frames which we took to a framer to build.I realize I still need to take close-up photos of the pieces with designer frames as the frames took a lot of time and work to complete and have essentially become part of the art.
This exhibition of eleven paintings is up for the month of February at the downtown Milner Public Library in the Milner Gallery which is between the library and Starbucks.
Big hugs to all, may your day be blessed with birdsong.
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