I excitedly met the kind blogger who suggested I apply at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre, I say excitedly as staff informed me they heard me squeal when we met. Thank you Keith, I appreciate your taking the time to attend.
Here we are, two Alberta bloggers posing for my delightful daughter whom kindly snapped photos. Of course I am the one dressed in brown. My children drove a couple hours to be present and give generous support, thank you to my son and daughter.
Many viewed the paintings with intensity and left with a smile. For some memories were triggered, for others inspiration surfaced. Some people came specifically to view the show and meet the artist and others who had come to the Centre to walk the grounds were surprised to find fifty paintings on display.
Each one who attended made the day extra special.
The staff at Kerry Woods are all so wonderful, and I must say a great job was done in the arranging of all the work, whew, what a job. I used to be employed by Galleries and know that it takes a fair amount of work and a good eye to hang an exhibition, especially one of this size.It has been a busy time. The following day we went to Medicine River Wildlife Centre to take behind the scene photos of injured birds. Then once home we packed our camping gear and headed west to Jasper, oh how I love being in the mountains. One week and over 4000 images to sort through, I am definitely trigger happy. Next post will be on the Nations of Jasper camp and totem raising.
May your days be filled with the warmth and brightness of a hug.