Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Old and New

 A mini-view of our gallery (front sitting room). Gerald made these wonderful gallery tracks from re-cycle items both from home and the Habitat for Humanity Re-store. The water-colour paintings are quite large, framed they are 38x18 inches.

Out of the darkness; Black-capped Night Heron
8x8, acrylic
I'm not sure if its complete; a part of me wants to go in and add more detail though I believe that would defeat the idea of coming out of the dark shadow of early dawn. Early morning has such strange light, I know most photographers say they prefer that soft early light, not me, I'm not an early bird so most photos are taken mid-afternoon till dusk. I do see the sun rise sometimes when we are camping, other than then, the suns usually half way across the skies before I view it. Needless to say improvising a morning landscape has been a challenge.
Have a great day, Hugs!


Carol Blackburn said...

Love how you've hung your paintings in "the gallery" Tess. I have one of those too, it doubles as the entry way into my house and studio and quite large enough to be all that it has to be!
Hope things are good with you.

Red said...

I've missed the posts you do to show off your art work. So thanks for sharing again.

tess stieben said...

Life is good Carol, thank you. Our sitting room is wall to wall paintings of mine and some of Gerald's graphite drawings. My sweetie does beautiful work as well.

Red I thank you, this blog is a little of everything. If you click on the image of the sandhill crane, top right it brings you to my paintings without wordy explanations.
Have a wonderful week, hugs to all!