Saturday, December 24, 2011

Blessings to one and all

Its been a busy non-stop day till now. Homemade cranberry sauce is chilling and the turkey stuffed with home-made bread stuffing is now in the oven cooking. Mmmm, yummy. Two of ours will be here this afternoon and three who cannot be present will be sorely missed though will be held warmly in our hearts and thoughts. 

Peace! May hearts be filled with peace.

 May every child the world-round be kindly and joyously loved.

 May angels watch over you.

 May your eyes seek with awe the beauty of Creation.

May you rest in goodness of heart.


1 comment:

Red said...

Have really liked the nativity art you have shown. Actually it's been awesome. I don't see it around here.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.