Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Post For Miss Kitty

The estuary footpaths that took one upstream had washed out during the winter due winter storms. Posted was a request to abstain from using the path to give the vegetation a chance to recover. So we hit the pavement and drove back from whence we came. Near the rivers mouth I spy another trail, and this one was open to foot traffic though bikes and motorized vehicles were prohibited. So what is the first thing we chance upon?
This wayward young man was not quite sure what to do when I aimed the camera his way, maybe he thought we were Wildlife Officials. The sister had stayed at the road waiting while her two brothers ran the trail, she mentioned that they would not listen to her, so I gave them heck, telling them they have scared the birds off. Sheepishly they said they only went a short ways down the trail. Luckily there were still birds to be seen.
A Wren I believe. Having a dust bath in the middle of the path.
Ladybug Delight.
Doesn't this look like a birds nest?
A deer down for a drink at one of the streams. She had a fawn with her but the grass was so tall all we could see was little ears poking up.
A bottle tree.
Seems there is nowhere one can go without seeing the mark of mankind.
An artists garden.
This one is for Miss Kitty, two for the price of one, a bird and a fish all in one shot.
This is a the prize for spending three hours watching heron fish. I have cropped the photo to show the airborne fish.
Hugs to all.


Dean H. said...

I have enjoyed many of your fine photos.
Love the heron and fish!!! Worth every minute of the wait.

tess stieben said...

Yes it was, though I have to admit we watched about 3 different heron fishing this area and I just got lucky with this one.