Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3rd nativity's post for 2011

I perused the nativity images I posted in 2009 to see if I was doing repeats and am happy to note that most are different ones. These nativity's have been collected from all over the world.
Carved in stone.

 The detail achieved in minuscule pieces is absolutely amazing. The above clay flower was about two to three inches tall
 and these figures were maybe three inches tall in total. Don't you just love the halo depiction? The angel reminds me of a butterfly.

 I love depictions that herald a counties traditional attire.

 Tiny figures placed inside of a hinged gourd.

 Another set of nesting figures though with much simpler painted detail than the set posted previous.

 A children's play nativity from our great white north.


 A nativity from the South, love the bright polychrome colors.

The Story,

 and not a creature was stirring; well maybe the mice.

Clever bamboo nativity.

 Monochromatic with a touch of gold.


 One of the quilts displayed.

 Made of straw and opens like a note book.

 Candle frontispiece.

Sweet, complete with alpaca. Once again individual detailed faces that continue to amaze and delight.

Sculpture flowing like a wave that gently rocks the babe.
I do hope you enjoy viewing the variety that depicts the artistic abilities of artisans across the lands of near and far.
Big hugs!


Carol Blackburn said...

Those are so beautiful, Tess. So glad you shared them today. I have an unusual Nativity. It is three pieces, cut puzzle-like out of wood. Baby Jesus is nestled in Mary's abdomen and on Christmas Eve you separate the piece into Madonna and Christ Child. I have had many people seem to take offense to it as it is not the traditional Nativity scene but I love the simplicity of it and will treasure it always. Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas and prospersous New Year.

john said...

Did you have a Nativity scene of your own creating in the exhibit? If not, will you make one for next year?
They were all delightful.

Red said...

Besides really liking the first sculpture I have a question. It looks like soapstone?

tess stieben said...

Red I do believe it is soapstone though I could be wrong.

John I was working a small nativity of "found articles" but did not get it finished in time. One of the lady's in charge said she would like it to be submitted for next year.

Carol, your nativity sounds wonderful, after all, in reality what is traditional?
This exhibition of Nativity's is amazing and yes I have heard of people being offended sometimes by the use of animals such as cats, mice, moose, etc to depict the scene, but I think its all joyous and fun. I will be posting for a few more days as there are more to come. Hugs to all!