Sunday, December 25, 2011

Deep Dark Woods

We went for a walk in the woods today
down in the deep dark woods 
where the snow underfoot crunches 
sending mice a scuttling amongst abandoned fall leaves
and what should we spy sporting a flash of Christmas red 
a female Pileated Woodpecker
 we went for a walk in the woods today 
down in the deep dark woods
and the gifts of life gave another splash of red
a male Pileated Woodpecker

We went for a drive today
out across the barren prairie
out across the stubble catching snow
who should we meet
a Snowy Owl
we went for a drive today 
and the presents kept piling up

as the sun receded the earth began to glow
such a beautiful day


Red said...

Like your poem. It reminds me of "If you should go down to the woods today!"

Carol Blackburn said...

Some wonderful shots, Tess. That owl looks like he's looking right at

john said...

What a wonderful little poem. Great photos, a delightful post.

tess stieben said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments and encouragement, its delightfully appreciated. Hugs!